I invite you to stay at my motel free for one night I will also throw in a free drink at that dimly lit biker bar next door.
Yours truly, you pompous ass, Joe (PJ)
Owner of the EL RAUNCHO MOTEL.
This is the deluxe room I have reserved for you. Good day.

Dear Joe (PJ),
I already e-mailed you, thanking you for, ahem, having a good sense of humor, but I dunno. You aren't doing your business any favors with that kinda attitude, Buster. We've been referring to the El Rancho as the "El Rauncho" for many decades, and my research indicates you've held ownership since 2002.
You've got to admit, a motel with a name like that is just asking for it. I'm sure you keep your place very nice, but there was a time when that motel wasn't exactly known as a luxury palace, in fact it was quite seedy. I'd suggest changing it's name if you don't want to be associated with its past, although I'd truly miss the iconic sign out front. Pompous ass? I guess I can own that.
PS When can I get my free drink?
Congratulations on the fine work you do on your column. Several weeks ago, you mentioned a restaurant and I think it might have been on Government Way...but you remarked about the Rye bread being outstanding. I'm a fan of the stuff and have been on a quest to find some that is comparable to the "east coast" variety. If you happen to recall the name of the restaurant, I'd be much obliged if you would pass it along to me.
Many Thanks,
Chuck, Post Falls
I hate rye bread. Actually, I used to hate rye bread until I accidentally ordered it at Schlotzky's Deli and decided it wasn't so terrible after all. But I haven't had it since and probably won't because I'm too used to despising it. So, it must have something Q. said because he's the one that almost always orders the rye toast action with his eggy scramble-ups. He likes the non-marblykind better than the marbly kind, but somehow it's almost always the latter in these parts.
If memory serves me, it was either the Blue Plate Cafe or Suzie's Bar and Grill, both located on Gov't Way in Hayden, that I mentioned something about him digging the rye. I'd read back through this site to confirm, but frankly I'm too lazy, so may I suggest the idea to you?

Just wanted to say "Hey” and thanks for the good reviews. I thought the Valentine's Day review on all of East Sherman was classic! As you might imagine my team and I all work really hard at what we do. No one in this business sets out to fail or be just mediocre but it does happen and usually from the top down. We do not want to fail and do not want to let any of our guests down…ever! We just completed 10 years in November and when we hit twenty I might assume “we made it”, until then I take nothing and no one for granted. I look forward to meeting you, keep up the good work.
Michael D.
Michael D., you are such a God of breakfast in this town. Like a Greek God of breakfast looking out proudly over Cd'A Lake instead of the Agean Sea. Your Greek God name could be Omeletorius.
Fail? Hardly.Your place is universally beloved, a hit and half. When we go, we bring magazines because we know we're going to have to wait twenty minutes for a table, and we don't care because it's so worth it. We love the Saratoga Scrambler and the Courageous omelet with it's overdose of fresh sliced Jalapenos and the giant fluffy pancakes and Your menu is unusual and affordable and everything is always consistently impressive. We love Bettina the waitress with her hot accent, hasn't she been there from Day One? We love it all. Thanks for just keeping the whole thing rolling, sir, to you I lift my glass of grapefruit juice.

Your description of the Hideaway was perfect. My wife and I live in Twin Lakes and happened upon the cafe while we were checking out another cafe we were referred to, but it had closed. After turning 180 degrees, we spotted the Hideaway nestled in its very cozy location. We've eaten there several times and have always experienced great food and service.
Thanks for boosting the local Spirit Lake image for your readers. I'm sure the business community will appreciate it.
I learned my lesson from the whole Rathdrum debacle last year that it's much more productive to focus on the positive aspects of a small town when discussing it. That said, I'll be that quaint little downtown gets pretty rowdy at night with three or four packed tavern in a wee, two block stretch. A wild Saturday midnight would be an intersting time to visit and get a taste of Spirit Lake's real personality.
One thing I forgot to mention in my review of the Hideaway was that the waitress brought us a couple of those candy Valentine's Day hearts with our check. "Too Cool","Be Mine", you know those things. They both had the same short phrase etched into thier faces:"Go Away!" Now, our waitress had been very sweet, so when she returned I had to ask her "Is that a hint?" She examined them and laughed, saying she'd bought a bag of them from the local school's candy sale that morning and she hadn't realized that they were actually those prank candy hearts you can get from Spencer Gifts or wherever. She'd been handing out nasty messages to her customers through the entirety of lunch without noticing.

Rustlers Roost is open Nights!
Yep...Wednesday thru Saturday till 8 pm.
BBQ Ribs are back, some new steaks and salads.
All the menu is served accept for breakfast. (till 2pm everyday)
Also, New Kids menu and Senior menu.
Thanks for all the years of support!
Thanks, Woody.
Woody, that was one of the loveliest poems I've ever read, thanks for sharing. Next, I want you to compose a Haiku about that wonderful Rustler's gravy.

First, I really enjoy your Get Out! web site. I grew up in the Spokane Valley near State Line, but have been in the Seattle area for the last thirty years or so. We have a ski house in Wardner, though, so we still get over once in a while.
I remember a while back you asked about the rock festival at Farragut State Park in oh, say, 1971 or 1972. I was there, but honestly I only remember snippets...it was that kind of weekend. Did you ever get any responses? It'd be nice to fill in the gaps in my memory. Seriously.
It's funny how many emails I've had about this subject over the last few years. Well, at least three. That festival must have been some kind of watershed moment in our local pop culture history.
I'm not sure if I wrote about this before, but according to my mom, my grandparents took her and my uncle to this concert, or one like it, just for something to do on a sleepy Sunday. But it would have had to have been a few years earlier than you suggest, I think - maybe 1967? Mom said they really weren't expecting all the free love, nudity and open drug rock-n-roll action that they encountered, but somehow they weren't terribly phased and spent the day picknicking and grooving out to who, who, who? The thing is that many people seem to vaguely recall the Farragut concert from way back when (or series of concerts as I tend to think), but no-one can remember what musical acts played. I've only heard they were actually pretty big names at the time.
I think Imight pursue the idea further and do some library-style research about the subject and maybe I'll get a column out of it, who knows...Stay tuned.
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